Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to make lace, not those kinds of balls. Decorative balls.

Long time no see-es!

I'm embarking on a project to make little droplet-like balls that I saw in one of my favorite Chicago stores, Asrai Garden.

My lovely friend, Katie, and I popped in there the other day and these magnificently delicate balls made from lace caught our attention. They hung from the ceiling as a part of the window dressing. Gorgeous.

I'm currently re-designing my bedroom and the style I'm going for is the deep dark woods, a dream forest. Darren Waterston's paintings (especially his earlier works) are a huge inspiration for my room and something about the orbs hanging in Asrai's storefront reminded me of some of the ethereal objects that live in his paintings.

So I've decided to make them. I'm planning on making them into a large installation over the bed in my bedroom. I'd like to string up chandelier crystals and some kind of lights up in there too. I'll let you know how it goes.

As of tonight, I'm cutting out the lace, then imma gonna sew 'em right up around balloons. I'm still dealing with the problem of how to make the lace stiff. PVA? Rabbit glue? Elmers glue? I even researched clear acrylic spray paint? Time will tell and I'll share my results!

All my hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Oh my darling! I am re-doing my bedroom too ... and contemplating a soft black for the walls with touches of ethereal white (curtains, bedding) to set it off. We are thousands of mikes apart but somehow always on the same page.
    Have you tried fabric stiffener? I've had success with that in the past.
