Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Beauty of Blight

Growing up in Michigan inculcated an innate respect, admiration and admission of the inherent beauty of dilapidation. The Midwest, as a part of the Rust Belt, is an area fertile with forests, farms and wetlands, as well as abandoned factories, blighted homes and cracked, busted and overgrown parking lots no longer in use. 

I'm working again on making paintings about the relationship between this environment and it's inhabitants. What follows are some of the images I've found while researching.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Spring Has Sprung, and So Am I!"

"Spring has sprung, and so am I!"  --John Prakapas

Disturbingly early springtime temperatures allowed early planting this year (daffodils in January? wtf)! Now I'm swimming in all kinds of garden treasures (about 1/3 of them proudly started from seed!). Adam has taken to calling our back porch "Jumanji", to which I reply with a self-satisfied grin.

There have been a few setbacks this year: hail, which crushed many of my tender seedlings and broke my dinosaur kale to bits like a tornado of angry, drunken toddlers, not to mention the has been a slow, non-fatal damage to some plants which were caused by aphids. Oh, aphids. I've never dealt with them before and I hope I never see them again. I'm out there everyday before watering with a spray bottle filled with liquid soap and water, cursing at those evil little beasts. BEASTS!!! *fist shaking in air* I can only imagine what my neighbors think of the crazed maniac on the Jumanji-like porch, stringing together a long line of insults at her plants.

Foxglove seedlings.

Hens and chicks that survived the winter.

Eggs with sage and wilted kale and spinach; first meal of the season from the garden!

Gorgeous Dinosaur Kale!!!

A rogue marigold seedling sprouted in on of my old pots, so now she gets her own! 

Rosemary topiary (thanks to Gethsemane) and peanuts!

Sedum waging a proud battle against aphids!



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Swinging in the Rain

Getting back in the swing of things now. 

I just met this amazing woman named Hilary Schwartz who runs her own business called Estera Events. I have a design crush on this woman. You should definitely check out her website, blog, and Pinterest account. 

Just a taste of her design world: Morton's Salt Wedding (sounds odd, but is executed in a playful and sophisticated way).