As I've said before, I've been taking this interior design class at SAIC and as an example of an extreme interior, my instructor projected an image of Ms. Sedaris, in her living room surrounded by fake cakes, hanging bats and a painted bust of a horse (among other animal portraits). When the image came up, projected onto the white, art school wall, it was like a vibrant fake ham and bats explosion. My instructor indicated that, as designers, we (as he chuckled) needed to prepare ourselves for people such as Amy Sedaris, and that there were people out there with varying tastes. Oh, but sweet baby jebus, her taste is aMAZing! If only there were more like her. I am in-love with her brains.
In an interview with New York Magazine, she said that she collects "things on a whim and worry later about how they fit my décor. For many people, this wouldn’t be a big problem. But without any preplanning, why don’t you try and figure out where the antique wax medical model of syphilis goes—above the table with the taxidermy duck or next to the papier-mâché Cyclops? Hmmm … And now you begin to understand my world."
And on that note, my lovelies, I give you the great interior designing brains of Amy Sedaris.

And a parting shot, just for you, of Amy Sedaris, in diapers and prosthetics, of course.